November 3, 2007

Fucking Hell

After unsuccessfully trying to sign in to Bolgger . . . All. Day. Long. Yesterday. I went with the back up plan of posting on my NaBloPoMo Ning page so I could maintain compliance with posting every day of November. Even got a comment there (Thanks Aliblahblah!) so I'm still in the running to complete the daily blogging shenanigans. Phew! Anyhow, the following is what was posted yesterday.


Full said...

It isn't easy being green.

We are planning to install three 30 metre wind generators in the middle of the test track. These will supply all the electricity for the factory and enough surplus for around 1,000 local homes.
The stupid twatty locals are objecting because the noise and vibration may put the chickens off or bother the pigs who are about a mile away. (so not the real reason)

We are encouraged to "go green" as our planet is struggling but only if someone else has to do the work.

Personally I love the big wind farms and, if your power is free, who cares if there is a whooshing noise. Fuckwits.

Fresh Hell said...

There have been proposals to put up wind farms on the Cape here for some time now and many of the local inbreds, though very liberal and environmentally conscious, are in a tizzy.

Why, you wonder?



I used to spend a lot of time in the Palm Desert (in California) and there is a HUGE wind farm on the flanks of the valley. It is so cool to watch it whirring away in the stark desert scenery. It's fantastic, but there will always be loud people who are small minded about that sort of thing. It's a shame.